Vaidotas On The Hollywood Walk Of Fame

His music and dance inspired me to create my own musical journey.

Vaidotas In The USA. Part 1

I am currently visiting the USA. The state of North Carolina is very green - there is no shortage of forests here. And very neat, I didn’t see any garbage. It is interesting to observe the differences between Europe, which are not necessarily better or worse, just different.

The houses are beautiful, except that they are not made of bricks, but of a wooden frame and covered with plastic trim. Perhaps the climate allows it. And almost every household here has a truck.

Distances really do vary! It seems that it is not far, but suddenly the GPS calculates a 2-3 hour journey.

I visited Washington DC. A wonderfully organized city with magnificent architecture. Capitol Building, Lincoln Memorial. By the way, there are a lot of good museums here, which are always free for visitors.

There are also beaches that are spacious and not crowded.

It is very interesting to see more and more of the world, which is so diverse. When you travel, you start to see more, understand more, and of course these impressions can be found in future songs.

Very soon I’m going to Los Angeles, California. There are many more things to come.

Creative Camp 2024

Why are Creative Camps necessary? It's often very difficult to find time for creativity because the everyday worries and other mundane tasks take away focus, and inspiration never has the chance to come.

Creativity is not a mechanical task that can be easily interrupted by other activities and then picked up again immediately. A creative camp allows you to step away from the constant flow of information and finally start "digesting" what you already have inside, without being overwhelmed by additional streams of news. This is where lyrics and music are born.

We traveled to the Miškiniškės homestead, located in a beautiful part of Lithuania — Aukštaitijos National Park. We stayed in wooden log cabins. At the same time, we invited our friend and producer Vegard from Norway to join us. He liked the idea.

Every day for the entire week, work started at 9:30 AM. Lunch was at 3:00 PM. The workday ended at 11:00 PM, sometimes later. Speaking of lunch, it was a highlight of each day because we were served dishes made entirely from local ingredients. Everything was incredibly fresh and flavorful.

We set up the sound studio in the hall. To avoid a strong echo, we hung up blankets and brought in spare mattresses from the beds, which really helped a LOT. So, welcome to the "Mattress Studio"!

We fully completed four new songs! A few more were started but remain unfinished. We are incredibly satisfied with this camp. It's hard to capture the whole experience in a video, but we’re sharing it here as part of our story. We’re not afraid to show our imperfect creative process, where we search for melodies. We’ll see where the future takes us.

An Incredible Summer!

Thank you, Summer, for the warm weather, dewy meadows, concerts full of smiling people, trips, new acquaintances and the cherry on top - to be an opening act for Ed Sheeran’s concerts. An intense autumn is coming with a creative camp, a trip to America and the "Eurovision On Tour" tour in Europe and Australia. We are ready!


Greetings from Sicily, where it is unfashionable to count calories, be punctual and go to bed early. La DOLCE VITA!☀️🌊🍦

Mushroom Season!

Silver Outfits

Many have noticed our new silver clothes. We really like them! We want to encourage and let young talents spread. So this time we chose the rising designer Liutauras Suvorovas. He was assisted by a professional stylist Milda Metlovaitė. Thank you both! Another color in our palette!

📷 Teodoras Biliūnas / Orestas Gurevičius

How Did We Play Two Shows In Two OppoSite Parts Of Lithuania Only Several Hours Apart?

Many people have asked how we managed to get off the Ed Sheeran stage in Kaunas around 7:00 p.m. and perform in Nida, on the other side of Lithuania, by 9:30 p.m. The answer? A flight!

The journey took just one hour. Seeing Lithuania from above, with its expansive beauty, reaffirmed how stunning our country truly is. We barely had time to look around and catch a quick 10-minute nap before the pilot invited us to look ahead, where the shimmering waters of the Curonian Lagoon reflected the setting sun.

A big thanks to pilot Paulius for a very pleasant flight!

We Are Happy!

We are happy! A great impression and a great gift of life. We received an email from the organizers that they are happy with our professionalism and ability to move the audience. That is a very big compliment. Thank you!

Dreams Come True

Ed Sheeran thank you for the opportunity to be on such an amazing stage! We tried to recreate a photo taken a few years ago where we took a picture with a cutout of Ed. We think it worked out great! Dreams come true! Thank you ❤️

Ed Sheeran Shows Important Info

IMPORTANT information about the Ed Sheeran concert and our performance.

16 h. - doors open. It is recommended to come exactly between 16-17 hours, so that you have time to go through the security check and find your seat.

18 h. - THE ROOP performance. Our show will last 30 minutes. We know that there will be many guests from neighboring countries. We want to show our unity and sing well-known songs together.

19 h. - Calum Scott performance.

20 h. - Ed Sheeran!

Please be patient throughout the afternoon and evening - remember that there will be tens of thousands of people attending the event, so queues at the entrance or at the stalls are quite likely.

Your ticket includes a map of the stadium - familiarize yourself with it in advance, including entrances, exits, toilets and emergency exits.

Please use the entrance/gate (A, B, C or D) indicated on your ticket (next to the sector name). It will not be possible to enter through an entrance other than the one indicated on the ticket - your ticket will not be valid at other entrances.

More info:

Share this information with others.

"On Fire" With Orchestra

Vaidotas: I had a dream to play and sing “On Fire” with a big orchestra. And it came true! Yesterday at the event “Jaunas kaip Vilnius” (“As Young As Vilnius”) the song sounded perfect! 60 people created sound here and now! The energy was indescribable! Thank you! ❤️🔥